Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thirteenth Sunday of the Year (27Jun2010)

The first reading is about how Elijah is so obedient on the Lord's command. We should realize that we are creations of the Lord and it is our responsibility to obey his command. For it is for our own good because the Lord knows what's best for us eventhough most of the time we do not realize it.

The second reading is about liberty to be balanced with the presence of spirit in our life so that we will not be self-indulgence. "Balance" is the keyword for me in this reading. Remember, God is mightier than us human so don't think that our own power, technology is even a match to God's power. Be moderate, practice peace in life. To all the leader in this world, remember, you are just a human being who cannot escape mortal death. Leaders of the nations are the one need to promote peace.

Gospel for today are telling us about "no hesitation" in following God. We should not take the meaning too straight forward. God didn't mean for us to abandon our families and friends. It's just that, do not hesitate in believing in God and do not let negative influence about God eventhough from our own families and friends to give from affecting you.



Saturday, June 5, 2010

Corpus Christi

Today, the gospel is really interesting. It's about how Jesus multiply foods.
People are coming from many places. The numbers of Men themselves are reaching 5000pax not included the women and children. Total people were estimated around 12000pax. Foods available were only 5 breads and 2 fishes. Using our logic thinking, it is not logic at all that amount of food can feed all of the people.

But Jesus has the power to create miracle. After blessing the foods, it can feed all the people and the scrap of foods collected about 12 more baskets.

What a miracle. For me, this is a lesson where we need to have faith. With our human strength, it is limited to certain amount of results only. But with the aid of our God, we can be more than that.

People nowadays depending 100% on their strength and do not care about God. As a gentle reminder from me, pray always to God. If cannot everyday, at least once a week go to church.

