Monday, November 28, 2011

Decorating Christmas Tree

Christmas oh Christmas.. It is around the corner. So what am I gonna do? Must be something meaningful.

So this is what I do. Decorating Christmas tree and create wall banner at home. It is nice and fun experience together with my sister and her familiy members.

This is a very good activity to spend time together with family and avoiding unbeneficial activity. This type of activity is very important to help reviving the spirit of Christmas in our heart.

Getting back to the real meaning of Christmas. For me, it is about sacrifice to help others. It is better that our painfulness bringing happiness to others rather than our happiness causing painfulness to other people. Whatever it is, be good to others and apply win-win situation in our daily activities when communicating with others.



Sunday, November 27, 2011

What the future holds?

Look at this picture. 5 minutes before this, the sky was clear. Nobody knew that it was gonna be like this.

So let me ask. Can we predict the future, I mean truly. Nowadays people claimed that they can predict weather. But this type of prediction is based on previous weather pattern. Actually we cannot truly knows what will happen.

And let us look at the sky in the picture. It is so scary. It is as if the world is gonna end. Bright day turn into dark and cold. At this time, people will be nearly connected. Communication between people who do not know each other can happen. Maybe this is the bright side of nature disaster, it bonds people. As we know, people at this time, they rather put their life activities on "online" platform. Can you imagine people who communicate with their housemate via facebook though they can do it face to face. Technology really change our culture, it should be in positive way. But it seems that there is more negative.

The sky reminds us to be weary. Always think that life is temporary. Some people have the thinking that because of life is short, they should enjoy to the fullest so that they will not have any regrets if their life ended. For me, it is fine to enjoy, but we should put it into balance not to over-enjoy because we know that everything "over" will result in negative impact. If not directly to the do'er, it will go to the people around him/her.

Please think back and forward at this present time to re-arrange your plan and do for the better.
Balance is the key. Pray for guidence and you will see.



Saturday, November 5, 2011

Do you think you will live longer if you are younger?

Good day everybody.

I love you in Christ name.
I would like to share my thoughts on people and life.

Some people have this kind of thinking;
"I am 20 years old, at least I will live for another 30 years."


How can they determine the remaining of their lives just by
looking at their current age?
There are so many cases where people at the age of 15 can leave
this world. Even, there are human who die after they were just born.

What I would like to announce here is that, life is so unpredictable.
Younger people can have shorter life compared to older people.

Other than age, we should look into health condition and also
"accident" which will take our live in an instance or slowly and painful.
It was a shock for me when last time, one people I know suddenly
passed away due to road accident. That person was only 21 years old
at that point of time. I even met the person just few days ago at town
and there was no sign that the person was going to leave this world.
With good health condition, happy live, "click" just like that, gone.

Conclusion to what I want to share with all of you today is about life
is in the hand of God. So we must live life to the fullest and do
good deeds to each other. It doesn't matter if we live for only a short
while, as long as we have already do our part in the love of each other.

Look at yourself now and say, "Thank you Lord for the life that I have
until this day."



Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Pentecost Day

Good day my dear reader.
What a long moment of silent I brought in this blog.
And now, during this Holy Day, I wake it up once more.
Today is Pentecost Day 2011. People say "Happy Pentecost Day"
to each relatives and friends, but, how many of us know
what Pentecost is all about?
Let me make a simple chain explanation.
We start from Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is in each and
everyone of us. Once we say YES to the Holy Spirit,
the miracle of gifts will work in us.
Miracle of gifts can differ from one people to the
others. Some people will receive the gift of language
where he/she is able to speaks different type of
language. Others will receive the gift of public
speaking (being able to speak effectively in front of
public). And many others...
In conclusion, we should know that we have Holy Spirit
inside us. Next thing we need to do is to accept and
say Yes. After that we shall receive a gift.
Happy Pentecost Day! ^_^
Happy Birthday To All Churches.