Saturday, August 28, 2010

Learn to be HUMBLE

Happy Sunday my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
How are you today? Did you attend Sunday Mass? Well, keep that answer between you and God. :)
Human psychology:
1. Love to be praised.
2. Love to be loved.
3. Wanted to be rich.
4. Wanted to be famous.
5. Wanted to be respected.
With these patterns in every human mind, it is normal if we see that a person loves to attend functions and loved to be the center of attention. How do we detect this situation? Nowadays it is easy, try to look on what they are wearing, the way they acted, people whom their mix with, places they go to seat and many more. These observation will prove the 5 elements above.
Those with genuine realization that we are all God's creation will be different in how they express themselves. Ironically, these are the person that will really be praised and respected. The question is; Why?
It all come back to the principle of giving. People who give and never think anything in return will actually get it back without them realizing it. God knows who are really sincere in giving. Giving is not just about material stuffs. Smile is actually a gift that everyone have. We will never run out of smile. But then, some people thinks that their smile is limited and will finish if they always smile. So they do not smile to others. Or maybe, they only give their smile to people who can give them something in return. They have hidden agenda behind the smile. Plastic!
When you give, give sincerely. When you act, act humble. When you seat, seat without the thought of wanting people to see and praise you. It's okay if you never have the intention for others to praise you but they still did that because they wanted to. We cannot force people not to do what they want to do. But please, do not in the first place plan to be praise. It's bad in not just in the eyes of human but also God. For God has told us that, "Those who wanted to be exalted will be humbled, and those who are humble will be exalted." Keep that in your heart, mind and action.
Be simple and do things sincerely. Share your smile with others. Give and you will receive. Give without any intention of receiving. Can we do all that? Yes we do. We are God's special creation. He created us be the image of Himself. We have thought and feeling. We can make our own decision. We have our smart brain that is far more powerful than today's super computer.
Genius thinking + Humble heart = Human Great Legend.
That's all that I can think of today. See you all next time.
Enjoy your day, HUMBLY.~ ^_^

Invest The Gifts That You Received

Good day.
The reading today tell us about employer and employees. Symbolizes God and Us. The employer entrusted his employees with "talents" (I think it is the same as money in our days). It means that God gave us gifts and grace. The employer went away for some time leaving the employees with different amount of "talents" to handle them. God gave each of us with different gives and talents. He let us live with that gifts for some time. Some employee go and invest the "talents" that his employer entrusted them with. Those with 5 "talent" produces another 5 and the same goes to those with 2 "talents" which give another 2. There is this one employee who I can say "lazy and scared" until he bury the "talents" in the ground so that it will be safe. Same goes for us human. The gifts that God gave us, some people utilize them to produce bigger and greater results depending on what gifts that they had. But there are some people out there, who would not do anything about the gifts they had received. I can say that they are selfish and self-centered person. I don't want to say they are lazy because they still are doing something. Just that, it's only for their own good and their never think about using the gifts of God to help others. They hide the gifts in their ground so that only they know about it. They thought it will be safer this way.
But when the employer a.k.a Master came! When God comes to us!
Those employees who had grow the "talents" received from their employer get rewards and was acknowledged. The employee that hide the "talents" in the ground was punished. There will be time when God will come and see whether we had put into good use the gifts He gave us. That time, He will separate the worthy and unworthy people. Worthy of what? It's about worthiness of living inside the Kingdom Of God.
So, where do you want to be at that judgment day? Everyone of us have the gift at least one. Please put it into good use and not become selfish.
Let us Grow In Faith Together.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Saw You Under The Fig Tree

Says the Lord to Nathaniel.
The attitude that was shown by Nathaniel represent us with our disbelief attitude. It's hard for us to believe something that was only said. We want to see it ourselves for us to believe. In some situations, it is good. It shows that we are being careful. We are not simply believe in something to avoid us being cheated by others.
In some situation, we need to believe without looking or experiencing it ourselves. When we talk about God, we cannot see him using our physical eyes. We need to have FAITH. Everything good comes from God. Believe.
Another thing is about perception. We always relate bad to negative things and good only for positive things. That way of looking cause us hard to accept if something good comes from people that we never expect to do that stuffs. That is when people start to justify others. They will start to judge others. Please bear in mind that only God alone can judge human. Normally in that situation, they will start to say not so good things about the people. They will say that the person had bad intention. One more thing when we say about good comes from bad, we can say that when we are experiencing bad moment in our life, it may be that God put the best part after all the bad things happen.
Skeptical. Is human self-defense weapon. It's how we filter situations around us. The only part that we should not be skeptical is about our faith in God. God had sacrifice a lot for us.
Come and see yourself the power of God's love. His love is love in action. It's not just about saying it. It comes with action. God knows where we put the key to open our heart. You will experience true joy when your heart had been open by God. You will be a man of faith.
"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
God is the ladder that unites Heaven and Earth. Only through Him can we find true salvation. His death and resurrection had defeated death and bring everlasting life to us. "May Your Kingdom Come And Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven."
God Bless Us,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dont's Shut The Doors For Others!

That's the word that was used in today's reading. It refers to the Pharisees. Even though it seems that they are active in temple activities, they have no place in Heaven because they practice hypocrisy. Not just they block their way to Heaven, they also block other people's opportunity. They do this by preaching false teachings and causing confusion in people. The reading call these Pharisees as "Blind Guides". Can you imagine the blind leading the blind? Where will they go? 99.9% off the track and will stray even further. At least, if you know that you are not fit entering the Kingdom of God, please do not pull others into your situation.
The best way is to repent. To change what is wrong and to practice what is right. In this current world, money is same as gold to people at the old days. I agree that almost everything in this world need money. Even when we wanted to go to the toilet in shopping complex, we need money. But please do not use holy place to fulfill your intention of making money. The pharisees use the temple as they bait for people to put their money in. They tell people that oath alone is not enough to get the grace of God. In order to obtain God's grace, they need to put some "gift". This is nonsense. For me, gift is from our heart. If we feel and think we want to bring gift to the altar, then do it sincerely. Do not be influence and pressed by situation that we must bring gift if we want God's blessing. Keep away from the practice of Pharisees. Remember that all those money, gold, gifts come from God. When we bring gifts for Him, He is not impressed by the gifts. He impressed by our intention and sincerity.
Don't think that you can fool God. He sees the intention of the heart even before we speak or act. Even while I am typing right now, he already knows the content of this blog.
He who swears by Heaven, swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits upon it. As a religious leaders, we need to learn how to "listen to God's word". Just because you fail to listen to God's word, you not just bring yourself into the wrong path, you will also bring along the people whom you preach into that path. This misleading can cause disaster and can be avoided if the mindset of wanting to listen being practice. In order to avoid unnecessary and burdensome rules for people to reach salvation, leaders of religion should go back to the basic teaching of God, "Love God and Love Your Neighbor."
Do you have the willingness to obey? Think.
God bless us.
Yours Sincerely,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Entering the Kingdom of God

"Help us to seek the values that will bring us enduring joy in this changing world. In our desire for what you promise make us one in mind and heart."
Good Sunday my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Today's reading telling us about:
..First Reading: Gathering the people of all nations to praise His name.
..Second Reading: A Father who train His child.
..Gospel: Entering the Kingdom of God.
"And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last."
The second reading mentioned that every father would train his son. Sometimes he might hit you if that is the only way to do. Most of the time as the child, we will feel that our father doesn't care and love us. I tell you, if our father doesn't love us, why in the first place He waste His precious time on hitting and train us? He could just leave us and let us suffer through our bad habit. Before situations hit you hard, Father will hit us to remind and wake us up. Trust is what we should have in Him.
Discipline. We need that so we will keep following the right track or get back on track should we've been straying a bit. This is what we need in our daily life so that God will recognize us when we are trying to enter through "the narrow door".
One's membership as a covenanted people does not automatically mean entry into the kingdom of God. Door mentioned in the reading is Jesus as He said, "I am the door; if any one enters by me, he will be saved." In order to enter the Door, we should live in the way of the cross. So what does this way of the cross means? If we recall back the experience of Jesus while carrying the cross, it's heavy, painful and shameful. He managed to go trough the harsh situation. In this world nowadays, that type of sufferings is available anywhere, but in different form. We need to control our human desire which always opposite to God's teaching. We must struggle against the forces of temptation and whatever would hinder us from doing the will of God.
We have good news! We do not struggle alone as God is with us and His grace is sufficient for each and everyone of us. We will strive side by side for the faith if the Gospel.
Faith and Discipline is our key words for today.
God says, "You know why you only see one pair of foot steps on the sandy beach? Do you want to know where am I? Why am I not with you? Don't you know that the pair of foot steps is mine. You are seating on my shoulder. I am carrying you all this while. Silently and peacefully."
All the best and let us grow in faith together.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Be humble

"Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted".
Things will go opposite from what you try to do. When you are eager to get people's respect by showing your power, God will lower your power. When you sincerely helping others without any intention of getting people's praise, God will lift you up in the thoughts of the people.
Don't be like the pharisees :
1. Do all their deeds to be seen by men.
2. Love the place of honor at feasts the best seats.
3. Wanted to hear salutations in the market places.
This will be guidelines for all the current leaders out there. "He who is greatest among you shall be your servant." All the leaders should be aware that being a leader does not mean you have the power to simply instruct the people below the hierarchy. Being a leader is a person who can lead humbly so that the people around you do things not because you ask them to. It's because looking at you, they feel they should assist you. A leader can only reminds the people whom he lead. Not to instruct forcefully. People nowadays are more clever than the people of the past. So it's better if we can work together and a leader be the direction lead.
Being a leader, the temptation to seek titles and honors will be the challenge. Overcome this, by being humble. "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
We are God's children. Be unite with each other and practice the spirit of humbleness. When there is some misunderstanding, do amendments through peaceful discussion. Be sincere in the discussion. Listen in order to learn. Same like Jesus, He lowering himself as a servant for our sake.
Thanks for reading my sharing for today.
God Bless You Every Moments.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Love God with all your heart & soul.

Good day everyone.
Reading today is talking so much about Love.
God is Love. He love us first and we are responding
to his great Love.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Can you do it?
People nowadays are going towards selfishness. Even though
the their house attach with their neighbor's, still they
don't bother to know who is in the house. Even worse,
some of the people out there tend to ruin the lives of
their neighbor just for the sake of jealousy. Specifically
I can say it is material jealousy. Some people never feel
happy when their neighbor buy new furniture. They want
to show that they can buy better things and want to show
to their neighbor.
Why not people nowadays treat their neighbor same like
their own family? I know it is challenging. It will be
easier if they use the method that God has told them.
Using the Love method.
When you are filled with Love, you will have the passion
of spreading the words of God. The purpose of spreading
the words of God must be genuinely sincere. We should be
like the Pharisees in the old days where they memorizes
all the contents of Old Testaments and procedure of doing
sacrifice rituals. The forgot the core of doing God's
work, SINCERITY. They do it for popularity. They want
people to see them as people of the House Of God by being
able to elaborate all the contents of the Bible and be able
to do a lot of rituals in the House Of God. You can fool
other people, but you cannot fool God.
Live your life sincerely. Fill yourself with love. Holy
Spirit will guide you to a better life in God's way.
All the best and see you again.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Do you want to be rich? (17Aug2010)

Today's reading is about how hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God?
Jesus mentioned many times about how it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle compare to rich man entering Heaven.
After knowing this, do you still want to be rich? He3. Richness and evil is proportionate. By increasing wealth, you will increase bad behavior as well. But you don't have to be worry because the bad behavior or evil things can be nullify through strengthening our spiritual strength.
So what you have to do is to always remember and act upon God's teaching while you are on your way to achieving your material goal. I believe that the challenge will be harder compare to when money is not enough or just enough for living. What I mean is that, let us take a look at the time when our money is just enough for us to buy food. At that time we will look at things to fill our stomach. But what happen if suddenly this payday you receive 6 months salary bonus? Your head start to spin, you will be the Einstein of spending. There will be many creative way for you to spend the money even though you know that it is not necessary. That will be the time for you to go to places that maybe it is not good but it's FUN to spend the MONEY.
What happen when all the money has gone? Life will be back to normal when you are counting the cents to buy FOOD. Why? Why don't you act normal even though you suddenly receive $1,000,000 in your bank account? Because human is weak. With our human strength, we are no good. For God says, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Sit back, relax and start to manage your life in God's way. You can become rich in this world and also Heaven. Be a good rich man. Make sure you can go through the eye of the needle. ^_^.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Assumption (15Aug2010)

Hi there,
It's been a while ya. I'm quite forgetful these days back. Now I am back! Church is where we should go at least once a week!
Today is the assumption day of Mary our Mother of God. This is the anniversary of human brought to Heaven together with the flesh. Mary is the only woman that receives the honor to go to Heaven with Her Soul and Body. Though there are millions of souls up there in Heaven, there is only one human body there. It's Mary's body. Our Mother.
The first reading:
"Victory and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ."
The second reading:
"Just as all men die in Adam, so all men will be brought to life in Christ; but all of them in their proper order: Christ as the first-fruits and then, after the coming of Christ, those who belong to him."
The Gospel:
"Now as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit."
"He has pulled down princess from their thrones and exalted the lowly. The hungry he has filled with good things, the rich sent empty away."
So as we can see, this week we are focusing on Our Blessed Mother of God, Mary. The most important thing for me is to answer the question, "What has she done to get the most blessed gift by God?" Blessed gift I mean is being lifted up to heaven soul together with the body.
Come let us take a look:
1. She is the Mother of God. Jesus Christ our Lord.
2. Even though she gone through many challenges during her life on earth, she never complain but believes in God will.
3. She loves Jesus so much as She loves herself.
What I learn today is that, we need to love others and never complain on the troubles that come into our life. Believe everything that come to me is actually an opportunity to grow positively.
Let us spread the good news. Spread the aura of love. Let the world covered with peace and love.
God bless you all..