Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Saw You Under The Fig Tree

Says the Lord to Nathaniel.
The attitude that was shown by Nathaniel represent us with our disbelief attitude. It's hard for us to believe something that was only said. We want to see it ourselves for us to believe. In some situations, it is good. It shows that we are being careful. We are not simply believe in something to avoid us being cheated by others.
In some situation, we need to believe without looking or experiencing it ourselves. When we talk about God, we cannot see him using our physical eyes. We need to have FAITH. Everything good comes from God. Believe.
Another thing is about perception. We always relate bad to negative things and good only for positive things. That way of looking cause us hard to accept if something good comes from people that we never expect to do that stuffs. That is when people start to justify others. They will start to judge others. Please bear in mind that only God alone can judge human. Normally in that situation, they will start to say not so good things about the people. They will say that the person had bad intention. One more thing when we say about good comes from bad, we can say that when we are experiencing bad moment in our life, it may be that God put the best part after all the bad things happen.
Skeptical. Is human self-defense weapon. It's how we filter situations around us. The only part that we should not be skeptical is about our faith in God. God had sacrifice a lot for us.
Come and see yourself the power of God's love. His love is love in action. It's not just about saying it. It comes with action. God knows where we put the key to open our heart. You will experience true joy when your heart had been open by God. You will be a man of faith.
"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
God is the ladder that unites Heaven and Earth. Only through Him can we find true salvation. His death and resurrection had defeated death and bring everlasting life to us. "May Your Kingdom Come And Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven."
God Bless Us,

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