Saturday, August 28, 2010

Learn to be HUMBLE

Happy Sunday my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
How are you today? Did you attend Sunday Mass? Well, keep that answer between you and God. :)
Human psychology:
1. Love to be praised.
2. Love to be loved.
3. Wanted to be rich.
4. Wanted to be famous.
5. Wanted to be respected.
With these patterns in every human mind, it is normal if we see that a person loves to attend functions and loved to be the center of attention. How do we detect this situation? Nowadays it is easy, try to look on what they are wearing, the way they acted, people whom their mix with, places they go to seat and many more. These observation will prove the 5 elements above.
Those with genuine realization that we are all God's creation will be different in how they express themselves. Ironically, these are the person that will really be praised and respected. The question is; Why?
It all come back to the principle of giving. People who give and never think anything in return will actually get it back without them realizing it. God knows who are really sincere in giving. Giving is not just about material stuffs. Smile is actually a gift that everyone have. We will never run out of smile. But then, some people thinks that their smile is limited and will finish if they always smile. So they do not smile to others. Or maybe, they only give their smile to people who can give them something in return. They have hidden agenda behind the smile. Plastic!
When you give, give sincerely. When you act, act humble. When you seat, seat without the thought of wanting people to see and praise you. It's okay if you never have the intention for others to praise you but they still did that because they wanted to. We cannot force people not to do what they want to do. But please, do not in the first place plan to be praise. It's bad in not just in the eyes of human but also God. For God has told us that, "Those who wanted to be exalted will be humbled, and those who are humble will be exalted." Keep that in your heart, mind and action.
Be simple and do things sincerely. Share your smile with others. Give and you will receive. Give without any intention of receiving. Can we do all that? Yes we do. We are God's special creation. He created us be the image of Himself. We have thought and feeling. We can make our own decision. We have our smart brain that is far more powerful than today's super computer.
Genius thinking + Humble heart = Human Great Legend.
That's all that I can think of today. See you all next time.
Enjoy your day, HUMBLY.~ ^_^

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