Friday, August 20, 2010

Be humble

"Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted".
Things will go opposite from what you try to do. When you are eager to get people's respect by showing your power, God will lower your power. When you sincerely helping others without any intention of getting people's praise, God will lift you up in the thoughts of the people.
Don't be like the pharisees :
1. Do all their deeds to be seen by men.
2. Love the place of honor at feasts the best seats.
3. Wanted to hear salutations in the market places.
This will be guidelines for all the current leaders out there. "He who is greatest among you shall be your servant." All the leaders should be aware that being a leader does not mean you have the power to simply instruct the people below the hierarchy. Being a leader is a person who can lead humbly so that the people around you do things not because you ask them to. It's because looking at you, they feel they should assist you. A leader can only reminds the people whom he lead. Not to instruct forcefully. People nowadays are more clever than the people of the past. So it's better if we can work together and a leader be the direction lead.
Being a leader, the temptation to seek titles and honors will be the challenge. Overcome this, by being humble. "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
We are God's children. Be unite with each other and practice the spirit of humbleness. When there is some misunderstanding, do amendments through peaceful discussion. Be sincere in the discussion. Listen in order to learn. Same like Jesus, He lowering himself as a servant for our sake.
Thanks for reading my sharing for today.
God Bless You Every Moments.

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