Thursday, September 16, 2010

Balance of life

Good day..
For Malaysian I want to say, "Happy 47th Malaysia Day". Keep our patriotism spirit high.
In this meaningful day in remembrance, I would like to share my opinion about balancing our life. There are many things in life that we can experience. Even more than what we can take during our life. All we can do is to maximize our exposure to these experiences. Everyone have their own priority in life. Some people will tend to involve more in indoor activities and the other will do outdoor activities. That's why life is so colorful.
But, we should try those things that we don't think that we like it. We need to broaden our experience. We should be moderate in everything that we do. There will be times when we are too excited until we feel that we could spend our entire life to do that one thing only. Every time we have that feeling, bear in mind that it is just due to the effect of hormones in our body. Once the hormone is gone, you will feel nothing.
It's different if you are having passion about some things that you do. That will be longer lasting one. We'll talk about that some time later.
So the message that I want to share in this post is about being able to try a lot of different things (inside or outside our favorite list) and moderate in everything that we do. Life might be like a wave. Sometime we are at the top and sometime at the bottom. Design one back up plan for different times in our life and we will still be able to feel happy even during sad time. It's all inside us. We are special. ^_^

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