Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is your catch today?

Good day.
Today's reading told us to do one of the hardest thing to do. To follow God's command even though we are in the time of hardness. Some more when the things that God tell us to do is something that we do a lot of times but still the results is not as what we wanted it to be. For example in the reading, Simon, had gone out to catch fish all night and got nothing. He felt so exhausted and in the process of cleaning his nets thinking of going home to rest. Suddenly, Jesus step into his boat and command him to go far from the shore. If you were in Simon's place? What will you do? In that condition, tired and disappointed, I will not blame you for disobeying the command. Your condition can really control you at that time. But what did Simon do? He followed obediently, supplied with great faith in Jesus. After finish teaching, Jesus even tell Simon to try catch fish with his net. What? After all the tiredness of catching no fish and clean this nets? This guy wants me to make my nets become all dirty again??!! No way! That is what people normally think. But what did Simon says? "Ok Lord, because You asked me to do it then I will do it." What a faith!! Not everyone can do it. By depending on our human strength, we will never be able to do it. But with the help of our faith, we can do it.
God gave us the assignment to be his messenger and become fisher of men. But please take note that God never ask us to force others. Instead, we need to become like magnet. Pulling people towards us by showing goodness and love. People will be attracted by the "aura" that comes out from the way we act and express ourselves.
Let us lured people to God by showing good examples. God will always show us the way.

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