Saturday, September 4, 2010

The first in mind is God.

What a nice Sunday today,
May you have a wonderful Sunday too.
Today's reading could lead us to confusion if we take just the direct meaning of the words used. So let's discuss about it here. I will put my opinion on the meaning of today's reading in this blog.
There are few key points that I got from all three readings for today (and also the psalm.)
First of all is "refuge". We are vulnerable to destruction. Destruction can be in the form of physical, mental and soul. Winning is on our side against these destruction because God is our refuge. He is always there and it is only a matter of whether we want to seek for His help and blessings. God will always love us even though we are sinners.
People will appreciate things if the things are hard to get or very limited. We are talking about lives here. Our life is short if we truly realize it. By remembering about it, you should have the initiatives to help yourself to put into good use the life God has given to you. Live not just by receiving but you must focus on giving also. The hand that gives are much better than the receiving hand. What can you give today?
In the Gospel, Jesus use the words, "Hate your families." Seems like bad and this is the part that could make the readers confuse if they don't really want to understand the deep meaning inside the Gospel. Jesus just wants us to put God first in our Heart and Mind. By putting God first, everything else will follow graciously including loving your families and neighbors.
Most people lives for possessions. This will show whether they are rich or not. They will play the game of comparing. Who is ricer than who? But when they are asked to follow God, God says, "Give up ALL your possessions!" Do you think you can do it? I know it will the hardest thing to do especially those with a lots of possessions. That is why Jesus always tells us that the rich will find it hard to enter the kingdom of God even camel going through the eye of needle will be easier. Gentle reminder for those rich people, think whether you could bring your treasures to the after world.
A very good news for us is that Jesus treat us as His friend. He told us that we are friends to Him because He had told us what His father (God) had told Him before. When I think about it, it's logic. A master would never told something secret between father and son to his slave. He will do it only if he consider the person is his friends. Thank God for considering us sinful people as Your friend. We promise not to abuse the relationship.
Take your time to think deep about these.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry there. As I have read in a book before, "we can have possession, but never let them possess u". For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.(Mat 6:21)
    If God is ur treasure, nothing, even ur family will come first before God.

    GBU! :)
