Sunday, September 12, 2010

You're lost, now I have found you

Happy Sunday,
How are you today? I hope that peace will always be with you.
Today's reading is really good. It gives hope to us sinners. Are you a sinners? Well, I admit that I am in the sinners' list. First thing to reach repentance is to admit oneself as a sinner. It's not the end of the world if you do mistake in life. But there will be no salvation for those who always thinks that they never did anything wrong in their life. I can say that they are 100% wrong because nobody is perfect in this universe. They are just being ignorance. Bad for them.
In the reading we understand how God really stressing on repentance. It is turning back to God after we do wrong. Change our state from lost to found. God will go out and look for us whenever we are lost. As long as we are not with intention planing to runaway from God, we will be saved. "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost." Even though the Shepherd has 100 sheep and only 1 is missing, He will still go out and risk His own life to find that one sheep. The joy of founding the sheep back is extremely joyous and life saving moment.
But it is normal that there will be another party/people who will be looking you as the problem of their community just because of your history. They are actually the one need to be save. Do not let this kind of people stop you from turning back to God. If they really understand God's teaching, they will accept you with open heart. Let God deal with our past, it's not our duty to judge others. They should look the best side in everyone. God bless them.
But then, don't misused this information. I know that we are all given a brain to think and do not use this knowledge as platform for us planning to be sinners as we know that God will always accept us back. He always looking at us every second of our life. He knows what we are planning for even before we start to think about it. So be extra careful with what you are planning out there. ^_^.
All the best to you and me.
God bless us.

1 comment:

  1. if u noticed, in the reading (Luke 15:1-32) the passage has 3 different stories - the story of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son. Lost sheep - the shepherd go to look for it. Lost coin - the woman go and look for it. Prodigal son - Father did not go and look for it. He WAITS for the son to return to Him. Why? because we r blessed with CHOICE. Yes, it's true that He is calling us to repent in His own way BUT repentance shud be ours to seek. Don't wait till it's too late. He is waiting for us with a welcoming hand..

    footnote: a lovely song..Enjoy
