Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Disciples

Good day.
Today, the reading told us how Jesus could "Pray all night". Translated into hours of prayers. This is time when He can communicate with God in Heaven. It's a time of peace and tranquility. This is the time when our mind, body and soul combine into one. Good idea will flow like rivers flowing filled with water. The challenge on people nowadays is on the issue of, "not enough time" for everything. When asked to pray, they say, "Yes I know that praying is good but what to do, I am busy." or "My boss asked me to do a lot of works!" (Even blame others for they own weakness). Man, please~ I tell you, and I tell myself also, that, there are no such thing as no time to pray. Be honest and just say that you are actually lazy. Don't forget, God give you life and He can take it anytime and anyway He wanted it to be. You must pray. Don't care if it is just a short while, as long as you are sincere with it. Communicate with your creator and He will give your ideas on how to complete the tasks given by your boss. ^_-.
Peter,Andrew,James,John,Philip,Bartholomew,Matthew,Thomas,James son of Alphaeus,Simon,Judas son of James,Judas Iscariot. These guys are very lucky to be selected by Jesus as His disciples and companions. Together they do wonders on the life of many people. Jesus had guide them into a very good way of living. Spread the good news of God and live simple. People choose them who do not have anything to brag about. They are no-one in the eyes of those "some-one" at that time. But in the eyes of Jesus, they are hidden diamonds to be polished.
Crowds at that time are very keen just to touch Jesus. He got this healing aura around Him. Those who touch Him will be healed physically and spiritually. "Lord, only say the word and I shall be healed." The faith that can heal us. Believe in God and you will be able to see His miracles in you and your surrounding. Go and sought to touch Him in your heart.
Which side do you stand on right now? Doubt or Faith? Go for the faith and eternal life shall be yours. Same decision is mine to take. Let us together have faith in God our creator. It may be hard but it's not impossible if we can spend time to pray everyday. Prayer can be in many form. You can do your prayers through singing, poems, reading and even blogging. Our world has been modernized so we should be up-to-date.
All the best in your prayer life,

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